Monday, June 16, 2008

Full Clear!

On Saturday, June the 14th, The Ancients have had their first ever full Karazhan clear!

The night was a blast, with a great continuation from the Thursday. As Borg states, running into the first trash mobs... well, it isn't such a great start. I sometimes get the feeling that Blizz gave Netherspite, an 'optional' boss, control over half the trash in Kara as a simple attempt to spite us. Or it could just be because they sit there in their monitors, bored, giving bad infernal placements and doing things like this to pass the time.

It seems, though, that Blizzard's boredom was gone for the night, as we had our first ever one-shot at Prince. Perfect infernal placement and execution, paired with great gear, makes it hard to not down him. Barrath's bad luck came to an end with the token for Demon Stalker Greathelm, and Jondy's drop of the Jade Ring of the Everliving gave our Karazhan group yet another fully epiced toon!

Moving onto Netherspite, we mostly knew the tactic (Borg had given us research homework on the Thursday :P), but we had to have a good old wipe...or two...or three... to learn. Still, only three wipes is an awesome time considering he's one of Kara's hardest, and we'd never tried him before. The fourth shot was pure ownage, and Netherspite went down very well, the portals being blocked almost flawlessly. As the dragon fell, we all rushed up to see his loot, and saw our two BoJ's sitting there with some cash and epics. As no-one could use the epics, Moon, our resident enchanter, got us some Void Crystals for rolling goodness. We then moved onto the only remaining boss, Nightbane.

After lots of preparation and fumbling around, we got started. Borg and Jondy had their famous DC (well, nearly half our raid's famous for it. I've never seen Zev in for more than 10% of Chess, and my computer likes to pop WoWError up on me during Shade, Netherspite and Illhoof), but, we got there, and after another wipe, we had a pile of flaming dragon bones sitting nicely there before we knew it. Kara clear, woot!!! NB's Dragonheart Flameshield was DE'd, but the Scaled Breastplate of Carnage was of more use to us: Barrath's Felstalker Breastplate was replaced with quite a noticeable upgrade.

Then, the realisation of a clear Karazhan sank in... and, as all good raids should, we proceeded to promptly dance naked. Woot!

Soon to come, a video of The Ancients at Netherspite, to be filmed and edited by our own Barrath.

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