Sunday, June 1, 2008

Terestian Time

Last night, Karazhan. To sum it up in two words - good night. On the fourth shot, Prince Malchezaar was down for a second time, and we all got some good loot... Jondayla got Light's Justice, Barrath got a belt (the name of which I forget, and cannot find on Wowhead), and grats to Mort on his second T4 piece for the week, Helm of the Fallen Defender.

After that, with some time to spare, we headed to Terestian Illhoof's room, thinking we could give it a shot at learn the tactics. We had a great first shot, getting him to 15%. Our second attempt was a good job by all, lowering him to 2%, and we failed only because of the dreaded WoWError message popping up on my screen. Finally, the third shot - after a sketchy start, we came back, and Illhoof was down on the first night we tried him! Congratulations to Pug Valarion on the Breastplate of the Lightbinder, Jondayla with Terestian's Stranglestaff for an offset, and the raid for downing another new boss.

Oh... and I got Bladed Shoulderpads of the Merciless from Chess :D

1 comment:

Borgthor said...

Nice work.

I forgot to post that Jondy got her mace!