Sunday, November 23, 2008

Memorable Quests

Okay, so I've been neglecting Elf a little lately. He's still at 72. And yeah, I still haven't logged onto Adi since I upgraded my account. Still, I've been playing just as much - on my DK Makolan. I just got level 70 on him earlier (yay :D), and have been in Howling Fjord since 68. I massively prefer this zone over Borean Tundra, which is simply plain, and kinda seems to be a mash-up of about five different terrain styles. Nonetheless, it has some good quests; that, and Howling Fjord, as well as re-experiencing past quests in OL through my Death Knight, gave me the idea for this post. This will hardly be a comprehensive list, just some of the things I found enjoyable. And that I can remember as I'm writing this.

There's quite a bit I liked about BC and its quests, even if some zones made me feel like throwing my computer about the window (I'm looking at you, SMV). Contrary to what many other people say, Blade's Edge is actually one of my favourite areas, with the exception of a few quests. And since I've started playing, Toshley's Station is the only quest hub I've been to that has managed to have quests that simultaneously are interesting, enjoyable, memorable - and at the same time, extremely irritating. Here's a picture of Makolan on the Test Flight to Ruaan Weald, looking somewhat out-of-place spinning on top of a floating, electric orb.

Then there's ones that I remember from previous times; arriving in Outland, running past - and barely escaping - some of the Burning Legion's most powerful demons, and arriving at Honor Hold...only to be soon tasked with retrieving prayer beads from a dog. Hardly the most exciting of moments, but memorable in its own way, much like the dull repetitive task of hunting down half of Nagrand for Hemet Nesingwary. Luckily, though, there were some slightly more interesting quests to remember, such as the Jump-A-Tron 4000, the blood elf disguises in Netherstorm, seeing the crystals of Ogri'la for the first time, Medivh engulfing Arcanagos in flame to create the undead dragon Nightbane; as well as some of the more mundane tasks made more fun by mass participation, such as discovering the money-haven of Quel'danas, with the entire realm working towards unlocking more quests, more gear, and more jewels. I'm fairly happy with how BC worked out overall; and I'm interested to see how Wrath will play out at the later levels, and to see the full impact of the improvements it has made compared to Burning Crusade.

Northrend and Ebon Hold:
Although I've only seen a tiny fraction of what Northrend holds quest-wise, I already have a few opinions. As I mentioned before, I far prefer HF over BT. There was, though, one enjoyable quest from Borean that stuck in my mind. I won't explain it - I'm not sure if I could - but this picture should say enough:

Now, onto Ebon Hold, or whatever you call the DK starting area.

I can't say that there was a quest there that didn't seem well-made to me. I liked all of them except for one (the one where you need to get the info from the Scarlet; this was good in concept but took over half an hour). The last two quests were truly epic, and the rewards lasted well into Outland questing.

As for Howling Fjord, quite a few of the quests strike me as interesting and memorable. Personally, I liked the ones where you go back in time to find the Vrykul, as well as the chain involving a Forsaken plague and a gnome alchemist. Also, the Iron Rune quests, annoying as they were for Moon and I, were admittedly something that would be remembered.

Well, that pretty much sums it up now, apart from the fact that I've probably left out a thing or two. Next, I'll try to do a post on either gear upgrades or DK's, so I'll see how that goes.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I'll Get There, Eventually...

Elf's going along with his levelling, albeit somewhat slowly. 72 now, and out of Borean Tundra for good. /cheer.

Just got Makolan to 63 as well. Kinda trying to split my time between the two, but the drawback's that, obviously, I'll get to 80 later than most of the guild's raiders.

Oh well, at least I'm having more fun this way. :P

Monday, November 17, 2008

He Returns!

Not much to say here, other than...Zev is back! In the form of his so-far level 63 DK, Zeltan :)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

New Layout

Well, mostly just a new heading. But I've modified some old info on the side as well.

Either way, I like the new title - any comments on it?

Wrath!! And other stuff.

Okay...a lot to talk about. But there's a long queue for Dath, so I'll be fine.

Firstly: The expansion, and everything that comes with it. I went to the midnight launch (thanks Moon)! Got home the next day, created a DK, Makolan. Now since I've got a lot to say, I'm going to try and summarise everything - so I'll just say that I love DK's. Especially the starter zones. And the gear looks great. The abilities are awesome, and more complex and interesting compared to spamming FoL/Steady depending on whichever character I'm logged onto. I'm Blood, at level 61, and the self-heals along with dps is pretty damn nice. 5-man runs of all DK's in Ramparts are fun. I'm not quite sure whether to level this guy or Elf, but I'm leaning towards huntering along to 80 before I spend too much time on Makolan.

And now for something completely different.

Northrend! Although I haven't done much here - neither toon's levelled yet and Adi still hasn't been touched - at least Elf's pretty close to 71. I'm hoping to get it tonight. Elf's replaced one of his rings, but no other gear's been touched yet. My skinning is 400-ish so far and my LW is somewhere around 390. Stampy the Gorilla is awesome for levelling - AoE-grinding with Thunderstomp, Volley, and 10+ mobs. I'm really looking forward to levelling through to 80 with Moon. I'm not sure about my overall feelings of Borean Tundra - I'm only about halfway through it, but there's already some things I like and some things I don't. The 'Kill X of Y' quests get a bit numerous, but it helps show off the zones you go to. I like the scourge-infected farm town and the mine, and the Mammoths are great for skinners and grinding, but a lot of the scenery seems to be a somewhat strange mix of Darkshore and Azshara. The mobs are all quite new, and the DEHTA quests are good. The mist effect from the titan-giant-thingies gets a bit annoying after a while. The Nexus is pretty cool, especially the last boss - the others are trivial for a well-geared group, but Keristrasza's stacking debuff, Intense Cold, adds some interesting things to the fight.

And now for something completely different.

This is a short one, but I love Devilsaurs. The shaking, the growing, all those other things melee people hate. My Devilsaur (named Cat) will likely be my DPS raiding pet for 80. I don't have any good screenshots of him in combat yet, but, just for good measure, here's a strange pic from when I was taming him.

And now for something completely different.

Another short one, but I may as well get the old news out of the way. We full-cleared ZA the week after 3.0, and Adirix got full-epic with his Dark Blessing mace from Zul'jin.

And now for something completely different.

Friends keep coming and going in WoW. Guildies join and leave. In the last month or so, I've had Obe and Red leave [:(], a Horde friend come and join the Alliance in the form of Doneath the Death Knight, Duskspeed rerolling a Death Knight also (with the name of Deathspeed. So creative). Zev's coming back in around a week, only to have the bad luck to have to leave for another 3 months again next April. (:P) Oh, and Obe and Red may or may not be coming back. If they are, none of us know whether it'll be tomorrow or in the next 5 years. Below - some screenshots of Obe's sendoff from me, Jondy, and Borg.

And now for something completely different.

The last thing for now...the queues! Dath'Remar isn't a low-pop realm in the first place, and is often full. But with WoTLK, the queues are insane (yes, I know all realms are probably like this, but testing each realm's queue length isn't exactly my idea of a good time). Just look at the picture...

All queues and no levelling makes Elf go crazy. 1531 queues are not good.

Anyway, that's what it was when I started writing this's now at 715. And an estimated time of 141 minutes. /sigh.

Well, that's pretty much my summary of Wrath and all that's happened around the guild surrounding the release. I might add an extra pic or two later, and maybe another post if I've forgotten something, which I probably will have. And I'll try and post more frequently. I promise. =/

Bye for now,