Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Alts + Ding = Fun :D

Lately, quite a few of my guildies have been making alts, getting to 70 and geared...thought I'd just mention the main group I've been levelling and questing with...so, here they are.

Zenborg, Shadow Priest. The guild's record holder for being the fastest Kara-geared toon after getting to 70, with a record of less than a minute. Alt of Borgthor.

Jossamine, Destruction Warlock. The biggest class change of us all, going from the guild's resident treeform druid into a massive crit-machine. Alt of Jondayla.

Konbawa, Fire Mage. Probably the guild's record holder of hating your main so much that you roll another dps...what next, a boomkin? ;) Alt of Obento.

Kattnip, Feral Druid. The 'tank', or so we say, who loves to sit in catform and watch the numbers tick away. Don't worry, catkins will be useful. In a few more expansions. Eventually. Maybe...oh, who am I kidding, never. Alt of Moonspirit.

Then...me. Adirix, Holy Paladin. It can get tiring sometimes going to raids and dungeons simply to steady-shot spam the enemy to death, so I thought I'd roll another class for a change every now and then. Little did I know, until I'd gotten into levelling to the point of no return, that the steady-shot spam I tried to escape from had led me straight into a FoL-spamming wall of easiness. Out of the frying pan, into the oven. Or whatever the saying is. Anyway...I'm enjoying Adi now, and healadins get more spells in WoTLK, so it's all good.

Grats to us all on 70, and now, as far as I know, all being nicely Kara-geared...I just scrape in, with 8.8k Mana, 21% Holy Crit, 1018 +Heals (I think :P)...and the MP5 of 41 that just makes me want to hide in the corner. Either way, it's there...barely. Except I still need attunement for the key. Say...anyone up for a Slabs run?


Borgthor said...

Grats on 70 Adi!

Zenborg is always keen to melt faces in Slabs, although I recently made getting exatled with Lower City redundant.

The Crossbowman of Sarcasm said...

Thanks Borg :D

Yeah....as I need attunement and LC rep, I'm often up for a Slabs run too :D