Saturday, August 2, 2008

Guild Progression

Over the last few weeks, The Ancients raiders have been flying through the content. Here's a quick catch-up, gear, and recognition list; if anyone or anything is forgotten, please let me know.

Firstly: A bit under two weeks ago, a mix of our raiding groups 1 and 2 entered Zul'Aman for the second time. We got through the adds much better than the first time, and it showed on the boss, too... we downed Nalorakk within a shot or two, and congrats to Moonspirit on the Robes of Heavenly Purpose. Afterwards, we progressed onto Akil'Zon, the eagle avatar, and tried him a few times. We lowered him to 49% on our best shot, which, considering it was our first night at him, was a quite good effort.

Now, to get more recent: Last Thursday, The Ancients combined with guild Captain Sanders Shirt, as well as some pugs, to give Gruul's Lair a shot. It took a while to get started, but after an hour of getting more people and buffing up, we progressed to High King Maulgar. It was a long process, taking a fair few shots because of mage-tank problems, but we eventually got a replacement mage-tank who had done the fight before, and got the fight easily from there. I'm not able to congratulate anyone on the loot for this one, as I forget who got it. :P

Moving onto Gruul's, we had respawn problems, but managed to clear it. After, again, the buffing and tactic-explaining, we lowered him to 40% for a good first shot...then, our next try was an agonising wipe at 2%. By that time, there were respawns, so after also being on for quite a long time, we had to leave. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I didn't hear much about it, but as far as I know, the raid dissolved soon after, and Gruul, sadly, remained alive, even after a great effort from the raid.

Now, to the most recent, and maybe most beneficial achievement; The Ancients first full one-night clear! We could tell from the start - from Borg's enthusiasm in pulling - that we were aiming for a full-clear. But it went even better than planned...we progressed through all the bosses as we passed them, with lots of loot, BoJ, and void crystals. Zev complained, justifiably, of the lack of Paladin T4 Tokens from Curator, as the Warrior-Priest-Druid one dropped for what seemed to be the millionth time. Also, there was yet again no luck with the ring for Odayla and I... although, a few bosses later, at Netherspite, I got a leg armour replacement, with the Skulker's Greaves dropping, and nobody else wanting to roll on them. Maybe just because gemming and enchanting legs costs so damn much. :P

After just over three hours, we got to Prince, the last boss standing. No wipes so far, and many people having gotten gear already. We were just going for a perfect full clear...when a bad infernal placement wiped us. At 1 damned percent. Annoyed, but still determined, we rushed back up for a second shot, and downed him easy, for us first 1-night full clear! Grats to Odayla on the T4 Headpiece token.

And finally, one last piece of news: Zevon/Beanieone - the guild's fastest leveller, and maybe wit - is unable to play until November. Zev's been a great friend and rival to me for many months now. We'll miss ya until then, Zev :(

So, cyas till next post, guys.

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