Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Irregular Update Strikes Again

And so here I am, struggling to ignore my laziness and blog about happenings in WoW. You know, it seems these updates are coming monthly. I might have to follow Zev's tactic and go for a weekly update. Ah well, I'll get to the post.

It should go without saying that there's been a fair bit going on that I haven't blogged about, so I'll catch up on it here.

Makolan's geared up a little more (now def-capped, 24k health, 25k armour, 38% avoidance) and has helped me see some more content. I've run maybe half of the heroics, and had some fill-in spots OTing Naxx-10 (the 4 wings), VoA 10 and 25, and Sarth 10 and 25. Tanking is another subject on which I'm not quite sure of my opinions. In theory, I should like it - I'm an altoholic, and love trying different classes and roles. I've done some heroics, gotten some lucky drops, some raid spots (thanks Borg!) and some advice. I won't say I performed well, but I've performed decently (I hope). But, unlike healing and dpsing, tanking just doesn't really click for me. Sure, it's fun - and I enjoy seeing fights from a different perspective - but, opposite to Adi and Elf, I don't seem to have found my niche. It probably also doesn't help that more than half of the Naxx bosses involve spawning adds, which has quickly become a pet peeve of mine when tanking. I could still get the swing of tanking; I know that it takes longer to learn than heals or dps. It's just that, for now, I haven't quite fit into the tanking scene yet. TL;DR version - I enjoy tanking, but don't perform as well in the role as I do with healing and dps'ing. Mikeymowse, the guild's resident abusable dwarf, is currently OTing Naxx, getting him even more geared for starting up Naxx G2 again, and giving me some time to kick back, and work on some alts.

Which brings me to the next part of the post.

After a long, low-dps quest-spree, Adi's made his way to 80.(:D)I bought a Titansteel Guardian from Trade, which, along with some quest/AH blues, got me nice and heroic-geared (thanks for the enchants, Moon!). I yesterday tried my luck in UK and Nexus heroics with guildies to start off, and am already finding it easier than tanking them. I added another two to the list today, with H VH and H GD (neither of which I had been able to do on Makolan so far). On the subject of the latter, I was able to complete the Elders of the Dungeons achievements - and, with it, got the Elder title!...which is probably the only achievement I'm ever going to bother with. Still, simultaneous achievement-ding is pretty fun. Below: Elder Adirix and Elder Tofuman.

I'm hoping to gear up Adi a little more, and spend some time reuniting myself with Elf. So far, Adi's sitting a little under 15k mana, and has 1560 SP/100 Mp5/ 21% crit. Elf is still 72, although at least I logged onto him the other day. I tried out Survival, which went quite well - 1400 test dummy dps (compared to the 900-ish of BM). Hopefully, I can - in addition to gearing Adi - convince myself to get on Elf, and level him to 80. If only for nostalgia's sake.

On a topic that less pleasant, though, I'll have to slow down my WoWing some more. School starts back tomorrow (/cry) and I have exams this year, so I'm hoping I'll still be able to fit in some decent WoW time in between sessions of 'study'. :P

Also, some shoutouts to the guild - grats to Liself, who received the mount from Strath while going for the elder. :D On the topic of lucky mounts, Moon's also managed to get the Green Proto-drake from her first Mysterious Egg.

The Ancients are now also going along at a quite good rate through WoTLK raiding, too - there's only Sapph/KT and Malygos to go until we've downed the 10-man raiding front.

And, to finish off, some screenshots of my - admittedly mismatched-looking - toons:



Zeltan said...

Mako looks undernorished...

The Crossbowman of Sarcasm said...

Yeah, that's probably because the shoulders look kinda puny.

Borgthor said...

Irregular... you're even making me look good!

When do we get to see the next update?

Duskspeed said...

hmm havent been here for a while hi elf:-)

**pokes zeltan and tries to avoid zeltans pointed duskspeed thrashing stick**